As we all mourn the passing of TasteSpotting and hope that the ending will be temporary, already several clones of it have appeared. Recipes2Share was the first one I heard about on the Leftover Queen Forum, and then today I discovered Food Gawker. which describes itself as: "This is our homage to Tastespotting. We hope you return, but until then we built a clone to satisfy people’s need to gawk at food porn."
I have registered with both and subscribed to both through my Bloglines. So I guess we'll just see what evolves. At first sight, I prefer Food Gawker because of its cleaner lines and because it's just a collection of food photos linked to websites rather than being part of something else. And let's face it, because it reminds me of TasteSpotting.
All we know about the closing of TasteSpotting is what is on the note on site. Questions on the TasteSpotting Facebook site haven't elicited answers and really this is not unexpected if there is a legal case sub iudice or pending. Much of the discussion has been around the issue of copyright of images, though others have said it is another legal matter. The very cloning of this site by several others makes me wonder about copyright - not of images, but of the whole NotCot concept. Any comments?
Isn't it funny that Food Gawker ooks almost exactly the same?
It should be fun to watch and explore...
Your prawn wantons look wonderful. Glad to have found you!
Whoops...Looks (not 'ooks')...too early...
It will be interesting to see which ones survive. TS was such a quality site and it will take some work for another site to live up to that standard. Also, although people complained, their methods of selection were actually quite good (if frustrating for the submitters). They limited the number posted each day and selected only the 'best' (by their standards) to maintain the quality and also not overwhelm people with the sheer volume of posts. Finally, the amount of traffic that they must have experienced would have been challenging to manage. So before I commit to another site like I did to TS, I might just wait and see what the fallout is and whether these new sits stay around. There is another one, Food Porn Daily, at http://fpdaily.net/
Still wondering what the issues were...
I was really suffering for my Tastespotting fix this past weekend. Thanks for the links!
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